DynAikonTrap: Build your own artificial intelligence camera trap
Since November 2019, we are an active member of the C4C consortium working at the crossings of biodiversity monitoring and citizen science. Our team is focused on biodiversity monitoring using camera traps. Initially, our goal is to provide ready to use software to filter out unnecessary data (false positives) and prepare for identification, when processing snapshots or series of frames triggered by events (like movement detection). In a second phase we plan to provide similar tools for video stream processing.
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Frederic presented in late November, some of our on-going work on shape-based information retrieval in large image and video databases at the annual British Computer Society’s Search for Solutions Conference .
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Stefan gave a keynote at the IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing 2016 in Laguna Hills, California on Visual mining.
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Prof Frederic Fol Leymarie, Founder and Director of DynAikon, is keynote speaker at MOCO 2016, the Movement and Computing Symposium and Workshop in Thessaloniki, Greece. The title of his talk: “Drawing, Gestures, Robots” moco16.movementcomputing.org .
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