(Flexible Ai SysTem for CAmera Traps)

Welcome to the FASTCAT project! FASTCAT is DynAIkon’s specification for Flexible Ai SysTem for CAmera Traps. It comprises of a Cloud component and an Edge component. The specification for FASTCAT-Cloud describes a service that is centrally hosted to which a network of camera traps can connect, and upload their observations to get high precision species detections. The FASTCAT-Edge specification describes an individual camera that performs animal detection in real time at the edge. This can be standalone or a part of a network that pools all observations.

The DynAIkonTrap project is an instance of the FASTCAT-Edge specification. It combines all the necessary hardware and software to perform observations at the Edge. Links to components of the DynAIkonTrap project are accessible below, to the left. The FASTCAT-Cloud specification is also realised via our online web service, a link is accessible below, to the right.




FASTCAT-Cloud: upload and analyse all your nature videos and pictures on the FASTCAT-Cloud website: receive only information on relevant images and recordings of wildlife activity and quickly identify the species names with Artificial Intelligence (AI)